Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Losers

Apparently, based on a comic book. Peter Berg helped write the screenplay, so I want to know what went wrong. I guess I should blame the director or the editor of the film. It was not clear that Max was a CIA handler of these guys - Max was a silly villian - Jason Patric did the best he could considering. The only reason why I will even recommend the film at all is because of the scene with Chris Evans and I have a supersized crush on Jeffrey Dean Morgan (guest appearance on Supernatural soon please). All in all, I say: WAIT TO SEE ON HBO.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Messenger

Woody - good as always - is training & befriending a new guy for the death squad. They notify family within hours of a loved one dying in the military. There are some amazing guest stars. You will cry - did I mention - you will cry. Ben Foster is the main character & oh man. He just gets better & better - I didn't think it was possible because he has blown me away in tons of things. He was in 310 to Yuma, 30 Days of Night, Hostage, & Alpha Dog. He hasn't been given enough notice. All in all, I say: RENT IT.


Russell Crowe plays a cop about to retire whose wife is in a coma of sorts. His last act is to catch a young serial killer just out of juvie in the act of killing and then raping a girl - who will be the 3rd victim. Things don't go as planned for the cop or the killer because of a youn girl. She witnessed the first murder and becomes obessed with the killer - things in her life have not been so good - so she attaches herself to the killer hoping he will do what he has done before. Kill her - not only putting her out of her misery, but showing her tenderness like he showed his others victims. The killer is played by Jon Foster of the new tv series "Accidentally on Purpose". He is so, so cute. Crowe American accent is annoying. The film had a good pace and surprisingly a calming pace. All in all, I say: RENT IT.


A BBC television event of Jane Austin's Emma. Very well done - the screenplay is excellent and the actors do a super job. Mr. Knightley is Jonny Lee Miller - his second Austin film. Can you guess the other one? Mansfield Park. All in all, I say: RENT IT.

Qualitative Interviewing; The Art of Hearing Data

Rubin and Rubin help researchers in every field become better interviewers. There is a lot of repetition - there is a lot of repetition. All in all, I say: READ IT - if you are going to be doing interviews for your dissertation.

The Haunting of Derek Stone Book 1 & 2

Book 1: City of the Dead we meet Derek Stone a young kid with a brother and father. They live in New Orleans. A terrible train crash leaves Derek all alone or is he. His brother and father coem back - from the dead? There is a war about to begin between good & evil.
Book 2: Bayou Dogs Derek and his friends are in the bayou trying to keep the evil from dead from crossing over. All in all, I say: quick read, but SKIP IT.

The Comet's Curse: A Galahad Book

A young adult novle by Dom Testa. A comet leaves a deadly virus that is killing humans over the age of 18. Scientist create a ship called Galahad, run by a witty computer, to carry a couple hundred brillant teenagers to another planet. No worries, it takes place in the future, so nothing in the book is too implausible. It's a dream come true, literally, I always wanted to go off into space. The characters are unique and varied - tons of fun and suspense. All in all, I say: MAKE IT INTO A MOVIE!

Never Slow Dance With a Zombie

A young adult book by E. Van Lowe. The author tries too hard to be witty and funny. The characters are more like middle schoolers not high schoolers. Impossile that no one would notice an entire high is full of Zombies. Some sections of the book seem pointless. All in all, I say: SKIP IT.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Devil in the White City

It's all about Chicago during the World's Fair and an active serial killer. I hate the historical parts about the fair, but I liked the parts about the killer. All in all, I say: SKIP IT - there are better serial killer books out there I'm sure.

When Elephants Weep

This book discusses whether or not animals do have feelings. Are the capable of love, hate, sadness, and playfulness. There is a bunch of scientific stuff, but some great stories. There are descriptions of lab experiments that were hard to get through. All in all, I say: READ IT - but maybe skip the scientific stuff.

Away We Go

SO SWEET. A couple gets pregnant and they want to find a place to live. They visit family and friends to find the right place to raise their daughter. There are funny moments and heart-breaking moments. Both John and Maya do a great job - especially with the drama. I was surprised. All in all, I say: BUY IT & SEE IT.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

District 13: Ultimatum

Set three years after District B13 - they are at it again - trying to save the neighborhood. David Belle is super hot - more tattoos than before & has his shirt off most the time. Both characters - again - show us how fantastic & talented they are. A little boring in between action scenes. All in all, I say: RENT IT.

In The Loop

A UK comedy about the days leading up to the vote for the war in the Middle East. It is very comical and very well acted. There was a scene in a kids bedroom with a calculator that had me in tears. All in all, I say: RENT IT.

Friday, April 9, 2010

XIII: The Conspiracy

Val Kilmer is the bad guy. Steven Dorff is the good guy. Steven gets plastic surgery to look like the assassin of the President of the US so he can catch everyone that planned to take over the government. He gets everyone, but the head of the conspiracy (I) who is now the new President. Desgined to be the beginning of a TV series - I think. Steven is very cute & has some awesome action scenes, but... All in all, I say: SKIP IT.


It is made in the south - Carolina. It is a soda with a very unique flavor - reminds me of part cherry coke & part Rootbeer. It is not an alcoholic drink. All in all, I say: TRY IT NOW - it is awesome.

Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball

Don't let the 2 fool you - it is actually a prequel, so you will recognize a couple of assassins for hire. I like Vinnie Jones and Tom Berenger, but this movie had a horrible screeenplay. The digital film work was horrible. The action was very disappointing. I didn't see the point to any of it. All in all, I say: SKIP IT.

Repo Men

Jude Law & Forest Whitaker collect organs when peoples accounts become past due. In the future banks let you take out loans for upgrades & replacement organs - payments can't be made send in some union men - Repo Men. Gross - I mean gross scenes. The action scenes with Jude are cool. I love Liev Schreiber and he does a good job. You are not going to like the ending. All in all, I say: RENT IT.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

They totally changed things - characters, sequence, scenes, & the ending! The actors did a fine job. I liked the girl they picked for Lisbetb. Sweden looked like Sweden. There was just something off having read the book I was disappointed. All in all, I say: READ the book - SKIP the movie.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Good Swedish crime novel. Some of the lingo doesn't translate & there are a lot of reference to famous American crime novelists. The characters are fantastic, but frankly it wasn't all that. Several people went on and on about it - it was good - but not as good as say the Alienist or Sherlock Holmes. Some of the descriptions seemed unnecessary. All in all, I say: Read It.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Clash of the Titans

So, So much better than the made for TV movie from the 80s. Neeson & Fiennes do their usual good job. What a waste of a part for Houston though. There was one issue: Sam Worthington's character was the son of Poseidon not Zeus. Action was ok, animation was ok, and Polly Walker wore a toga again (she was in Rome on showtime). Sam is a cuttie. All in all, I say: SEE IT, but maybe in 3D.

Friday, April 2, 2010

No Impact Man

A man in New York City wants to gradual get rid of his consumer lifestyle & literally have no impact on the enivronment. The things his family is able to do in a major city is just amazing. It was a year long project to somple bring awareness. I saw him on Steven Colbert show & now that I have seen the documentary - it blows me away. I do some, but I can do so much more. I can do more without scarificing my happiness, too. All in all, I say: RENT IT & then TRY SOME IT.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Open Road

Justin Timberlake and Jeff Bridges do an amazing job at playing father & son. I is a light movie, easy pace, and a sweet feel to it. Harry Dean Stanton plays the grandfather - wise. Father & son are ball player, both with committment issues. All in all, I say: RENT IT.