Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mann v Ford

HBO documentary about some Native Americans suing Ford because Ford dumped poison in their backyard. Everyone in the town has cancer or is dead - there are no old people. Ford and the EPA have screwed them big time. Spoiler: they settle and get next to nothing. I cried several times - it will break your heart & make you never want to buy a Ford. All in all, I say: SEE IT.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Crazy, Stupid, Love

Everyone did a great job - it was as expected - plot and humor for the beginning. The ending was CRAZY unexpected. Ryan is worth seeing this over and over again. All in all, I say: SEE IT.


The older kids wanted to see this. I was curious because I grew up on Smurfs. Only partially animated the adult story line was too much for the kids - they missed some humor and got bored. It was a little long in my opinion. Hank did an excellent job, but the film was just a little over the top. All in all, I say: RENT IT if you have kids interested.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Arthur 2011

Remake of the original with Dudley Moore. He is still an alcoholic, he still has someone to look after him (woman not man), and he still meets a woman he loves while he is engaged to a woman he doesn't love. It was ok - Hollywood had him reform himself and sober up - whereas the other didn't. All in all, I say: SKIP IT unless you haven't seen the original then RENT IT.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The New Daughter

An ancient Native American mound in SC is located on the land belonging to a house recently bought by an author for him and his kids. The ancient people surviving for centuries there take his daughter and re-create their race. Dad tries to save her, but fails and everyone dies. All in all, I say: SKIP IT it was one stupid plot.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

First a couple of things: 1) I read the books 2) I didn't like Part 1. I didn't fall in love with Part 2 either. Of all the movies #3 & 7 were my least favorite - so much was left out - important stuff in my opinion. It was anti-climatic. All in all, I say: READ THE BOOKS.

Larry Crowne

Also, before leaving I saw Larry Crowne written by the same people that worked on My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It was only ok- it lulled and didn't really seem different. A man gets divorced and loses his job. He gets a new place, an education, and a new romance. All in all, I say: SKIP IT.


Before heading on vaca Michelle & I caught this film at Midtown. Ewan's character finds out after his mother's death that his father is gay & then finds out his father is sick. After his father dies he falls in love probably for the first time with a French actress and inherits a dog. The movie jumps around with some nicely placed flashbacks. I like the narration, but my favorite scenes are the ones where there a subtitles for the dog. All in all, I say: RENT IT when it comes out.