Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Three Musketeers

Plot isn't any different than all the others. The only thing that is different is the action. There are more sophisticated fight scenes. It was made to be 3D, but I saw it in 2D. Maybe the plot was better in 3D. They keep the girl alive even though she is supposed to die. Had to see it because of Ray Stevenson. All in all, I say: RENT IT.

According to IMDb Denmark released this animated version in 2005. All in all, I say: SKIP IT

Dumas wrote this classic set in the 17th century and since then it has been made into numerous movies.
Amazon writes, "Set in the 17th century, it recounts the adventures of a young man named d'Artagnan after he leaves home to travel to Paris, to join the Musketeers of the Guard. D'Artagnan is not one of the musketeers of the title; those being his friends Athos, Porthos and Aramis, inseparable friends who live by the motto "all for one, one for all", a motto which is first put forth by d'Artagnan. In genre, The Three Musketeers is primarily a historical novel and adventure. However Dumas also frequently works into the plot various injustices, abuses and absurdities of the ancien regime, giving the novel an additional political aspect at a time when the debate in France between republicans and monarchists was still fierce. The story was first serialized from March to July 1844, during the July monarchy, four years before the French Revolution of 1848 violently established the second Republic. The author's father, Thomas-Alexandre Dumas had been a well-known general in France's Republican army during the French revolutionary wars. Although adaptations tend to portray d'Artagnan and the three musketeers as heroes, the novel portrays less appealing characters, who are willing to commit violence over slight insults and through unquestioning loyalty to the king and queen, and treat their servants and supposed social inferiors with contempt and violence.". All in all, I say: READ IT
After the success of Young Guns, Sheen and Sutherland went straight in to making this movie based on the book. It was a fun 90s movie. All in all, I say: SEE IT
In this 70s version of the film - Chamberlain (Thorn Birds) and Welch (CPW) do a decent job. It was a fun 70s movie. All in all, I say: SEE IT
In the 60s BBC - UK - came out with a tv series - I think it was more origin story rather than the book made into a series. I never saw - All in all, I say: SKIP IT
Now we are talking classic Hollywood with this 40s version starring Kelly (Singing in the Rain) and Turner (Peyton Place). All in all, I say: SEE IT
This 30s version is also fun - I always think fun when I think of this book and following movie. Ameche (Cocoon) stars in this, and I say: SEE IT
This was also in the 30s and it kind of a modern - like more modern than 17th century - version - loose version of the book. Mainly it's the characters. All in all, I say: SKIP IT
This 30s version is the one you want to see - it a true film based on the book. All in all, I say: SEE IT It's a talkie. 
In 1921 Hollywood made this silent, black and white version. I have only seen clips in a film class. All in all, I say: SEE IT if you like old films.

Paranormal Activity 3

The prequel to Paranormal Activity 2 which was the prequel to Paranormal Activity. The 2 main characters are young girls. One has an imaginary friend - the demon that is in all 3. This movie explains why the girls are haunted - it has to do with an ancient coven of witches. Not as scary as the 1st. All in all, I say: RENT IT.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Red State

Pointless, Disgusting, and Confusing.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Save the Farm & Vanishing if the Bees

One film - Bees - is about how the use of pesticides from companies like Bayer - are killing not only us, but the creatures that help our food grow. Bees are disappearing and with them will go our food supply. Save the Farm is a short piece about the destruction of South Central's organic, community garden that the city allowed to be destroyed - which over 300 people in poverty relied on. I also learned from NPR this week or last week that something can be called organic as long as it grew organically - it doesn't matter if the seed was genetically modified or created. So some of the organic food we eat came from an un-organic seed. All in all, I say: SEE BOTH and educate yourself.

South of the Border

My 1st thoughts are: Where can I get news these days? Everyone lies: tv, radio, newspaper, and magazine. Also, why can't the US stay out of things that are not their business? Another story of how the US wants the Oil and the Money and will demonize anyone that goes against them. The US, specifically the CIA, has done enough harm to Latin America. In this documentary, which is poorly filmed, Oliver Stone interviews all the new leaders of Latin America. I wish there had been some additions to it like interviewing the people. What is interesting about this movie though - how the US and especially the world media have twisted things. All in all, I say: SEE IT.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Little Traitor

During the time of the British Mandate - after WWII - when the UK kept peace in then Palestine. A young Jewish boy learns to stop hating whom all Jews begin to despise - the British. He meets Molina and the 2 form a friendship. The boy is put on trial in his community for being a traitor for having the friendship, but it teaches him a lot about peace. In the end, the boy is grown and goes to England on his book tour and he meets up with his old friend. It was subtle. All in all, I say: SEE IT.

Queen To Play

An American - Beals - is seen by a maid at a French seaside Hotel playing chess. The maid also cleans the house of a widowed American - Kline - he also plays chess. She asks him to help her play. By finding the passion to play chess and take risks in the game - she also begins to take risks and finds passion in her life. A slow film, but worth it. There is a very romantic scene toward the end between the maid and Kline - and all they do is say chess moves. All in all, I say: SEE IT.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Real Steel

A boxer who is down on his luck and has been trying to get by, ruins his last chance is the ring by making a stupid bet on his robot. Robots do all the boxing in this slightly in the future movie. The IPhone Jackman uses is clear - looks cool. The mother of the son he abandoned 11 years ago dies and he spends a summer with the kid. The kid finds a shadow robot - shadows what people do & it starts winning fights. Will the father realize his worth and make his son proud of him? Have to see this cool movie with an awesome soundtrack - I cried once. All in all, I say: SEE IT.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lake City

Spacek plays a mother & grandmother who lives in a small town - she lost her youngest son in an accident when both her boys were young. Her older son acts out and get into drugs and alcohol. He's a man now, with a son, and a dead girlfriend that stole drugs from some bad guys. He's in AA and heads back home to raise his kid and meet up with an old flame. Will the drug guys catch up to him - do they think he has the drugs? Yes. All in all, I say: SEE IT - it's slow, but pretty good.