Saturday, August 19, 2017

Autumn & Summer in the Vineyard

The kids of a couple of vineyard and wine legacies want to branch out of their own. They both end up owners of the same land and work together to make their debut. It's Hallmark, so you know the basic plot line. Rachel Leigh Cook (She's All That) is the star. All in all, I say: SEE IT - viewers agree because they made a sequel.
They are dating and working together. They are in early stages of business and love and trying to please one another that they lose site of some things. It ends up ok - it's Hallmark. All in all, I say: SEE IT - if you saw the first one.

Lost City of Z

Based on the true story of an English military man looking to make his mark by exploring the Amazon to find a lost city of natives in the Bolivia area. I found it frustrating and I just wasn't interested in the topic. I wanted to see it because many people liked it and liked Charlie Hunnam (SOA) in it. All in all, I say: SKIP IT - read the book.

Midnight, Texas

Based on the novels by C. Harris who penned True Blood. I think it would be 1000% improved if it was on HBO or SHOWTIME instead of a major cable network at prime time. It takes place in the south - kind of - Texas (actually filmed in New Mexico). The one person that is recognizable is Dylan Bruce from Orphan Black. They live in this small town about about 70 or so because almost all of them have supernatural powers or dark secrets. The town is on the veil - thank of it like the hellmouth from Buffy - evil things are drawn to it and evil things might escape from it unless the people of Midnight can do something. All in all, I say: SEE IT

Gossip Girl

A teenage soap opera about rich kids from Manhattan's upper east side. It's a close group of friends that take turns dating each other and scheming against others. The goal was to shock the audience and show off fashion. I needed to know what all the hubbub was, so I had to see it in order to rip it apart. Blake Lively (The Shallows) and Leighton Meester (Making History) were the shows top actors. Michelle Tractenberg (Buffy) came on for a few episodes. It does get old after awhile - it is completely unbelievable. All in all, I say: SKIP IT unless you like trashy tv like a trashy novel at the beach over the summer.