Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Whistleblower

Weisz (The Mummy) plays a real life cop that takes a job with a private company that is hired by the UN as peacekeepers in the former Yugoslavia. She helps a local officer investigate and bring to justice a wife beater - new for the area especially for a Muslim woman. This gets the attention of a UN official played by Redgrave (Letters to Juliet). Redgrave puts her in charge of gender affairs which leads to Weisz to uncover a sex trafficking ring involving UN officials, diplomats, private companies like the one she works for, and many others. These foreigners are raping, torturing, and abusing the women (often taking pictures and downloading them and videos onto the websites and sending them in emails to others) - this part of the movie is extremely difficult to watch like the scene in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo only so much worse - SO MUCH WORSE. What makes it bad - it really happened and probably continues to happen. All these men have immunity and the UN covers it up - people are paid off and people are laid off including Weisz. Many of the men from the film (not the actors but the real men they portray) are sent home to their countries and their families have no idea what atrocities they committed. They are never prosecuted. This happens more than anyone knows the stats are out there - there are organization that rely on donations from people like us that use the money to buy the women out of slavery, pay to return them home with medical treatment, help prosecute offenders, and to put the faces of these men in local papers where they live, so their neighbours and family find out what they have done. This is the new slavery - why is it allowed to happen - why isn't more being done? All in all, I say: SEE IT if you are ignorant or apathetic about sex-trafficking / SKIP IT if you know and support organizations that work to end it because you already know what those women have gone through.

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