Sunday, August 12, 2012

Total Recall

Colin Ferrall (Phone Booth) plays a machine worker who is actually a double agent but doesn't realize it until he tries to have a procedure done. Douglas Quaid is the name he is given when his memory is wiped and he is given an identity as a worker and a wife played by Kate Beckinsale (Underworld). She is a spy and her job is to keep him in line. Hauser is his name as a double agent. He infiltrates a Resistance movement headed by Bill Nighy (Underworld) and falls in love with a character played by Jessica Biel (New Year's Eve) who convinces him to turn on his leader played by Bryan Cranston (Malcome in the Middle). Right now you are thinking this is nothing like the original - and you would be right. It is only kind of like the original - there are some scenes in common. There is good action, but it is surrounded by really long supposed to be emotional scenes - did I mention long....... All in all, I say: RENT IT when it comes out but see the original first - keeping in mind it was state of the art when it was made.

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