Saturday, November 17, 2012


Many are posting daily things they are thankful for since this is the season. Although, it seems many want to jump into Christmas. So, here is my thankful
1) Imagination: without it there would be no (2) music, (3) art, (4) movies, or  (5) books
6) Environment: the trees have been so beautiful this year since we suffered no drought
7 & 8) Animals: love my boys, my pack, Waldo and Duncan
9-12) Friends: I wouldn't be able to get through work without them (April, Melissa, and Lynn) and weekends would certainly be boring (Janice)
13-19) Family: the older the kids get the more fun they are (Hannah, Liam, Sophia, and Desmond) without my support system I would often find myself in a jam (Mom, Dad, Beth)
20) Shelter: my house may not be exactly the way I want, but it is a home and it suits me - I'm lucky
21) Nationality: voting this year and teaching political science reminds me daily how fortunate I am to be an American
22) Technology: although I have done without and can do without, the things i can experience and do because of technology boggles the  mind - maybe I will get to go to outer space before I die - who knows
23 & 24) Medicine: saved a best friend & a colleague this year - they beat cancer
25) Food: things are going to get tough for everyone in the years to come, right now I am glad to have good, local food and the ability to afford to buy it
26) Carpool: with gas prices getting so high and no real affordable alternative forms of transportation (bus doesn't come near my house, all cars take some kind of nonrenewable resource even hybrids) so until there is a solar car I have been lucky to save some money by carpooling this year
27) Refinance: I was able to refinance and now I will be able to maybe save money unless the government gets extra greedy with student loans
28) November Paycheck: our CEO will be giving us a one time - actual pay day - we use to get paid for years of service as well as level of education - we haven't in 5 years & this month we will get to see what one day of actual pay would look like - I'll have to look closely I'm sure taxes will take most
29) Kindness of Strangers: It shouldn't ever be a surprise, but when I hear about the kindness of strangers I am touched
30) A line I heard in a movie - it speaks to me - It will all be ok in the end, and if it isn't ok - well, then it's not the end.


  1. love this post. I feel like you are my other half.. the more liberal half ;] lol

    I cannot wait until our title expands from "coworkers and friends" to "coworkers, friends, and ROOMMATES!"

  2. I like all of these and I could adopt them as my own. Well except the dogs. No dogs; just dawgs. But there is a kitty, and I am glad she has been in my family's life for 11 years! And, I am a slacker on the carpool.
    For me, also add: my children (I could not imagine life without them), my job(second most challenging thing I have ever done), and my health (pretty good for an old lady).
    There are so many things for which to be thankful, the list is too long really. Have a great break!

  3. I love you. You make me smile. I am beyond thankful for you!!
