Sunday, January 26, 2014

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Year One at Hogwarts school of magic. I really don't think I need to include a plot - if you have been living under a rock, in North Korea, or you have been seconded to a nunnery then let me know and I'll provide a plot.

In 2001, I was still working at Borders. Harry Potter books and movie were such a success that the New York Times added a best sellers just for young adult novels. We had to redo the stores. When we had a new book coming out we had all sorts of events starting at midnight. It was crazy. The book and this movie were perfect - not much missing or out of order so to speak. The sad part was British actor Harris (Unforgiven) was actually Dumbledore - he died in 2002. British actress McGonagall is Smith (Downton Abbey) which allowed thousands of Americans to discover how amazing she is. Scotsman Coltrane (the British tv series Cracker) is Hagrid. New British actor Radcliffe (Lady in White) is Harry Potter. Irish actress Shaw (True Blood) is Aunt Dursley. British actor Griffiths (Hugo) was Uncle Dursley - he died in 2013. British actor Hart (Klondike) is Quirrell. British little person Davis from the Leprechaun horror series was Flintwick. Ollivander is played by British actor Hurt (Alien). New British actor Grint is Weasley. New French actress Watson (Noah) played Granger. Headless Nick is Cleese (UK - Monty Python). Rickman (UK - Die Hard) is Snape. Best of all, directed by Columbus (Goonies). It is a who's who of British cinema. All in all, I say: READ IT & then SEE IT

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