Saturday, July 12, 2014


This is based on a book. The author has signed on to help with screenplay. They go pretty far into the book in just the first 2 shows. If it continues for more than one season then they will go beyond the book. On October 14 millions of people all over the world disappear at once for no explainable reason. Don't know if it's aliens, if it's the rapture, or what. I just hope it's not like a Lost thing - where everyone we are seeing is actually dead, so the people we think have gone are really alive. I also hope the people we are seeing aren't in hell and everyone else is in heaven. I also hope it's not aliens. I don't know what I want it to be other than original and not stupid. The story surrounds a town police chief (Theroux from Charley's Angels), his wife (Brenneman from ER), and his two kids. His wife has joined one cult, his son another, leaving just him and his daughter to deal. Gaston (The Mentalist) is going around killing packs of dogs. The animals went crazy on the day everyone disappeared. Eccleston (Dr. Who) plays a preacher. It's strange and disconcerting. I don't know what the point is supposed to be, so I guess that's why it irritates me. All in all, I say: SKIP IT - it's on HBO if interested and the 2 episodes you missed are on HBOGo.

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