Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Expanse

Jane (Hung) plays a cop on a colony in an asteriod belt that provides energy for Earth and Mars. Mars is run by a military group. Earth and it's moon - Luna - are run by the UN. The people that live in the belt are called Belters and they are caught in the middle. There is about to be a war. Jane is hunting down a missing heiress. Strait (Sleeping With the Fishes) is leading a group of ice miners who get caught by a Mars ship after the rest of the crew is killed in an ambush. There is a lot going on - twists and turns - they are all connected somehow. It's based on a series of books I haven't read - the cast and the plot and the special effects with only 2 shows have me hooked. I can't wait to see what happens next. Aghdashloo (Last Knights) and Karkanis (Murdoch Mysteries) also star. All in all I say: SEE IT on SyFy.

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