Thursday, May 21, 2020

Do the Kind Thing

Amazon writes, "When Daniel Lubetzky started KIND Healthy Snacks in 2004, he aimed to defy the conventional wisdom that snack bars could never be both tasty and healthy, convenient and wholesome. A decade later the transformative power of the company's "AND" philosophy has resulted in an astonishing record of achievement. KIND has become the fastest-growing purveyor of healthy snacks in the country. Meanwhile the KIND movement - the company's social mission to make the world a little kinder - has sparked more than a million good deeds worldwide. 
In Do the KIND Thing, Lubetzky shares the revolutionary principles that have shaped KIND's business model and led to its success while offering an unfiltered and intensely personal look into the mind of a pioneering social entrepreneur. Inspired by his father, who survived the Holocaust thanks to the courageous kindness of strangers, Lubetzky began his career handselling a sun-dried tomato spread made collaboratively by Arabs and Jews in the war-torn Middle East. Despite early setbacks, he never lost his faith in his vision of a "not-only-for-profit" business - one that sold great products and helped make the world a better place. 
While other companies let circumstances force them into choosing between two seemingly incompatible options, people at KIND say "AND". At its core this idea is about challenging assumptions and false compromises. It is about not settling for less and being willing to take greater risks, often financial. ".
I really liked the first chapter. I'm going to make copies to give to my students when we cover entrepreneurship. There are some good pieces of advice. Overall, though since I'm not a business owner or hope to be one - some parts were boring. All in all, I say: READ IT if you are interested in business and this kind of business.

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