Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Americans

Russian sleeper agents living in the suburbs of the US next door to an FBI agent whose job it is to catch Russian spies in the US. Russell (Felicity) joined the KGB when she was 17 was trained - raped in training - assigned to live in the US with a man she had never met before - by the age of 20 something was in the US spying and acting as a housewife with 2 kids. She sees her life as an assignment and has an almost cult like obsession with not betraying her mother Russia. Her fake husband on the other - we don't know his past yet - is madly in love with her and his kids and would rather not be a spy, but just a regular American. The pilot is a lot to handle, but it seems very realistic. All in all, I say: TRY IT if you like that sort of Cold War thing like I do. The music alone is worth it!

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