Monday, February 24, 2014

3 Days to Kill

Don't even get me started on why you have to see this - ok too late. 1) It is directed by McG! The same guy that did Chuck and Supernatural. (Love him!) 2) It was written by Luc Besson! The guy that brought you Leon, The Fifth Element, Transporter trilogy, Nikita (in French, Canadian, and American). 3) Costner (Bull Durham) was in it and he is hot! I don't care how old he is; he gets sexy the older he gets. 4) It's an action film. 5) There is comedy to it. 6) It's rated PG13, so it's not gross or vulgar to be gross and vulgar. Nielsen (Gladiator) has a small part as his wife. Steinfeld (True Grit) is the daughter. It is filmed in Paris. All in all, I say: SEE IT
Wait...I forgot about the plot. A CIA hitman is retired because he is dying. They offer him an expensive drug that will prolong his life so he can spend time with his daughter, but in exchange he has to kill the infamous Wolf - yes the one they mention all the time in these CIA hitman films.

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