Friday, June 24, 2016

Lord of the Flies

 A group of children - boys - are stranded with no adults on an island. And things get so out of control crazy - that modern day - we call things that get out of control crazy when people get hurt - Lord of The Flies. The book was hard to read - it hits you heart and soul. You will weep. All in all, I say: READ IT & then see the 90s movie.

This is from the book:
"And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy."
Getty's (Feast) performance is insane - he should have won. Dale (Shame) also stars. It's kind of worse to see it  - what you've read - sometime my imagination is worse and sometimes it's better. I think the movie made it more real than the reading. All in all, I say: SEE IT after you read it.

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